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tv   Action News  ABC  November 5, 2014 4:30am-5:01am EST

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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning. here's what's happening on this wednesday, november 5th. devastation for the democrats. all across can country it's been a victorious night for the gop. we'll talk about the changes to the political map. >> police have new leads to follow in the search for a woman who was snatched off a philadelphia street and they have this person of interest. >> and also this morning, federal regulators have slapped the greatest show on earth with a $7,000 fine. >> hello everyone, it is 4:30 a.m. let's also get you your weather and traffic with david and karen. good morning. >> beautiful election day today.
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today we might see some early sunshine but the clouds are going to grow thicker as the day goes on. then we'll be on the look outfor a frontal boundary coming closer to us. looks like some of that rain out to the west which is falling apart right now is going to start to build and we'll get a little wet. for now we're dry, though. 52 degrees pretty comfortable in philadelphia. 43 in allentown but still 55 in reading, 49 in wilmington, 51 in trenton, mid-50's down the shore at this early hour. as we head out to catch the school bus this morning's looks like temperatures are treating us okay. it's a little cool. 53 by 6 o'clock, then up to 56 by 8 o'clock the not a lot of wind though. partly cloudy and pretty comfortable overall assuming you get that sweatshirt or jacket on. at the train station this morning 52 by now, by 8 o'clock we'll be up to 56 and by noon 65 degrees and by 3 o'clock 67 degrees, your high today is actually going to be 68 and i think we'll hit that around 2 o'clock with that time change our highs are striking a little earlier than they were a week or so ago. by 6 o'clock 61 degrees.
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karen we have run on the way tomorrow. a little bit of a change happening in that forecast. i'll have details from accuweather coming up. >> all right, dave we have this dry commute now. you don't expect slowing at this early hour but as we look live on the schuylkill expressway at city avenue we can see the flashing lights and penndot with the arrow board out there as well. this is the construction zone. so we've got that left lane blocked by construction, the left lane getting by. looks like the right lane is blocked right now on the schuylkill expressway. this is westbound as you head towards belmont a little slowing past all this construction here as we look live at city avenue, a bit of a slow go on the schuylkill expressway. on the big picture, we see speeds looking pretty good overall. mostly in the 50's through the area. you could see on the blue route. otherwise on the schuylkill and i-95 in pretty good shape at this early hour. sixers tonight at 7:00. congestion there in south philadelphia. not yet though. quiet now. early morning township hilltown township 309 southbound just past 113, we've got this accident out here. police are currently en route.
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wants to expect them. not on the scene just yet. also the west chester area 202 northbound just reopened from that overnight construction. matt and tam. >> okay, thank you karen. democrat tom wolf won his very first political campaign easily defeating incumbent tom corbett to become pennsylvania's next governor. >> corbett has become the first governor to lose reelection in the state's modern history. >> wolf captured 55 percent of the vote to corbett's 45 percent. wolf drove to his victory rally in his hometown of york last night in his trademark jeep. he told supporters that public education will top his agenda. >> our ancestors realized that education was a key to a strong citizenship, to a strong democracy, to a strong economy, to strong families. we need to invest in that. we need to make sure we resurrect that idea here in pennsylvania and make sure that education is at the top of the list not the bottom. >> wolf will be sworn in in january. the millionaire businessman says will he not take the
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governor's salary. corbett in pittsburgh last night congratulated wolf on his win. the republican as tam mentioned the first pa governor to lose reelection since the state began allowing governors to run for a second term in 1968. >> and all across the country it is a bright start to the day for the gop. for the first time since the bush administration republicans will control both chambers of congress. "action news" reporter erin o'hearn is live at the big "action news" reporter erin she's got more of our election coverage. erin will anything get done in the next two years. >> reporter: i don't know. that's a big question this morning, isn't it tam? we are certainly seeing a lot of red this morning. this major republican victory will likely complicate president obama's final two years in office. now, this is how the u.s. senate looks right now. republicans as you can see have 52 seats and democrats have 45. now, the number in gray here represents virginia and alaska which are too close to call and louisiana which is headed for a runoff. now, as expected, the gop
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picked up senate seats in arkansas, south dakota and west virginia but they also won hard fought races in north carolina, colorado and iowa. republicans also dominated governor's races not only winning close battles in michigan, florida and wisconsin, they knocked off the democratic governor from president obama's home state of illinois. and dug deep into blue states capturing the governor's mansions in massachusetts and maryland and of course mitch mcconnell pulled off a win after a grueling campaign is likely to be the next senate majority leader. >> this turned out to be a national election, national wave, senators, governors, house members, this was anti-democratic across-the-board. >> reporter: so, after this bruising defeat president obama must now forge a new path forward working with republicans. he has invited both parties to meet with him on friday. but what's interesting is even the republicans pulled a decisive win exit polls indicate voters were
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dissatisfied with both parties. only one in five voters saying they trust the government to do the right thing, tam. >> all right, thank you, erin. and we have results from all the races on find out more about tom wolf's win or the senate races in new jersey and delaware, of course the other local races and ballot questions from your area. >> more election news in a moment. first other news there are new leads in the abduction of a woman right off a germantown sidewalk. a a new angle of surveillance video shows the kidnapper calmly approaching 22-year-old carlesha freeland gaither on sunday night. moments later the struggle begins. investigators followed the trail from philadelphia to aberdeen, maryland. the victim's bank card was used at a bank there and the atm captured images of a person of interest. "action news" reporter katherine scott is life at northwest detectives with more on all of this. katherine. >> reporter: and police do have more fresh leads on this case. they have more images to work
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with. investigators here at the northwest detectives division have been working with authorities in maryland and the fbi to help track down the victim. 22-year-old carlesha freeland-gaither was abduct fred a germantown street sunday night. now we have a clearer picture of a person of interest in this case. it was captured around 6 o'clock monday morning inside a convenience store in aberdeen, maryland. around the time police say this man used freeland-gaither's debit card at a pnc bank. fbi agents were on the ground yesterday searching for this video and other evidence. we're also now seeing the first moments when freeland-gaither came in contact with her abductor on sunday. he reached his hands out to her on the 5400 block of green street. you see her slowly back away. >> she's backing away as she's looking at him 'cause she knows something is up. we don't know if he said something to her or what happened at that point in time. the man linchd at her and forced her down the street against her will. freeland-gaither's family says
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they moved from maryland several years ago and left behind an obsessed boyfriend. police confirm they have leads and persons of interest including this man. her family just wants her home. >> just let her go. i just want her home. we don't want y'all, we don't want nothing to do with y'all, just let her come home. >> reporter: and the reward in this case has been growing. at this point it's at more than $40,000. if you have any information on her whereabouts, you can call northwest detective division or just call 911. we're live in fern rock, katherine scott, channel6 "action news." >> katherine, thank you for that. new here on "action news" one man is behind bars and another suspect is being sought in the shooting of a student at an off campus residence hall. police charged marshawn fortner with assault and possession of a deadly weapon. gunfire erupted in the parking lot of living and learning commons. the victim remains in the hospital but he is expected to be okay. and bullet holes mark the
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scene of a deadly afternoon shooting in june yacht today. witnesses say a man ran down i street near erie avenue and opened fire on that white van you see there. the driver, 38-year-old hurley mccall of lawndale was killed. the passenger survived the shooting and was questioned by homicide detectives. there's been no arrests nonword about a motive. >> happening today, the philadelphia school district will resume hearings on whether to shut down a local charter school. an inquiry found that the walter palmer charter school under performed and violated its charter over the past six years and its problems have led to some high profile incidents. just last month, the high school abruptly shut down leaving 300 students with nowhere to go and then school officials kicked out 250 grade school students because the charter school cannot pay its bills. >> 4:39 now and a new turn in the public controversy. ray rice's appeal of his indefinite nfl suspension will be heard today. a detailed preview is coming up. >> osha says oversight --
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there's ray rice there. moving along here, osha says oversight for this hair raising stunt was a three ring circus. david. >> all right, guys, it's cool out there. probably not cool enough for the hoods up on the sweatshirts but cool enough for the sweatshirt itself and we're rooting for villanova this morning. this afternoon t-shirts might work for a brief period the afternoon. we'll give you your afternoon call and the latest on the rain coming tomorrow. accuweather seven-day. party on people! blinds to go's
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60th anniversary sale continues celebrating with 20% off the entire store. you heard right, 20% off the entire store. we're talking employee pricing baby! hey, you need 'em, you want 'em, and now there's no better time to get 'em. blinds to go. blinds for life.
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blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale continues! woo-hoo! as our gift to you, take 20% off the entire store. twenty percent! the entire store! hey, with savings like that, you could redo your entire house. just sayin'! blinds to go. blinds for life.
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>> it's still going to be warm today. >> yes. >> just like the sun's going to be obscured a bit. >> just like the sun's going any morning sun we get will probably fade behind increasing clouds and then tomorrow is our rain day. storm tracker 6 live double scan shows we're dry for your wednesday morning post election commute. as we look outside we may see some early sunshine around the shore and elsewhere around the region but it will mix with clouds fairly quickly. we'll wind up more cloudy. we're in the seat of that mild air. winds west southwest at 6 miles per hour, not all that strong. satellite shows you a little rain out to the west that kind of appears to be falling apart. this is moving towards the east very slowly. i don't think we see any of that until very late tonight or in the overnight hours. obviously a lot of cloud cover out there. some sun early, increasing clouds as we go. 56 degrees by 8 o'clock and then by 11:00, 63 and it once again is going to be a fairly mild day. we'll get our high of 68 around 2 o'clock and then down
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to 63 by 5 o'clock. not too bad. clouds sort of dominating the afternoon. high temperatures from north to south, little bitter of a range, not much of one. 65 degrees in allentown, 65 in cape may, a couple can of spots like philadelphia a little milder between an few places might only get up to about 64 this afternoon but that's still above average. by tomorrow morning future tracker 6 during our broadcast shows you that there is the chance of some showers beginning to build in from the north and west and through the morning rush hour it looks like it could be a little bit wet. now, we're not really pressing as heavy rain as was once suggested by the models because now it looks like the storm isn't going to be as strong and in fact during the day we might get into kind of a lull. we just have a few spotty showers and then more showers are possible later in the night. a half inch to an inch of rain is what we're expecting overall. however with all those leaves on the ground if we manage to get a period of steady rain i would be careful for blocked drains because of those leaves going into the drains and that could lead to flooded intersection here or there and you want to slow down if that
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happens. another word to the wise if you have any low lying gutters you can easily get to you might want to try and clear some of the leaves out again just in case we get a period of steady rain. your seven day from accuweather shows sun giving way to more clouds today, 68 degrees. we stay dry. tomorrow's high just 61 with cloudy skies. by the time you wake up in the morning it willy patrol be raining across a good portion of the region and then periods of rain off and on through the day. on friday it looks like windy and cool conditions, a high of 55. there may still be some lingering showers around and then saturday sunshine in the morning with increasing clouds ahead of the next threatening system, 52 degrees, we will be dry on saturday but it will be cool. sunday looks mostly cloudy, a high of 55. and we're going have to allow for at least some showers on sunday. whether or not we get a lot of rain, though, is still in question because the system providing us with the potential rain is off the coast and if it stays far enough away, we'll just get some showers. and i think that's the way it probably works out but sunday is a day to watch and then sun returns for monday,
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52 degrees, veterans day is tuesday and we get a little bit milder. looks good for the eagles at night on monday night. >> awesome. thanks, david. federal regulators blame the ringling brothers and barnum and bailey circus for a hair hanging stunt that injured eight acrobats. osha proposed a $7,000 fine for the circus' parents company that include add clip -- or concluded that a clip wasn't properly loaded by circus staff. the company disputes the fining and hasn't announced if it will appeal. the acrobats were injured during the performance on rhode island on may fourth. the clip snapped and they fell 15 feet to the floor. happening today, nfl star ray rice will appeal his indefinite suspension from the nfl for abusing his wife. rice will argue his case in arbitration, not during a trial. he says the nfl and commissioner roger goodell knew he had attacked his wife in an atlantic city elevator long before the full video of the incident became public. he also says the league is punishing him multiple times
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for the same incident. goodell will testify under oath at the appeal. >> time now to take that first look at morning business. now, gm as you know has recalled about 30 million vehicles this year. but what do you do about getting people to actually come into the dealer and get things fixed? they're putting a little effort into that. they're offering $25 gift cards and you have a range of courses like amazon, applebee's and starbucks. airlines are expected to generate the highest revenues ever this year. many are expected to rake in nearly $50 billion. that would amount to a 17 percent increase in fees compared to 2013. let's take a look at wall street. stocks were mixed as americans went to the polls yesterday and right now that seems to continue to be the feeling. futures are looking a little mixed as well. emojis, everybody tends to be yellow right now but they're about to get more racially diverse. these little icons like the smilely face are things you use in text and e-mails an group that sets the standards
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for them says they're looking into offering six different skin tones. >> more variety is always better. >> yeah. >> coming up more stories you didn't see last night. we an update on a delaware senator whose husband was caught with a handful of gop signs. hear how she did. >> we'll tell you how some states voted on the use of medical and recreational marijuana. >> rain coming tomorrow. might want to use that storm tracker 6 option that we have on go there any time for radar and our look at the forecast because you know it's going to we'll
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>> ♪ >> checking out the schuylkill >> ♪ that construction in the process of clearing out of there. things are looking good. our lanes are back opened so we're looking at the schuylkill at city avenue where things have improved a little bit with that construction moving on out. we do still have this accident, though. police headed to the scene right now in hilltown township. this is in bucks county. watch for it on 309 southbound just past 113. you may see some restrictions in that area, certainly when police arrive on the scene. we've got some construction here blocking the right lane and it's out in bucks county on the turnpike westbound just past the connector bridge but
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seeing speeds like 62, 54 miles an hour, so with just one lane blocked, only a little bit of an issue and the ramp from the black horse pike, you want to watch this, too. southbound to 295 we've got construction out here blocking up to two lanes and that's going to last for another hour and a half or so, so out there a little bit as well as the ramp from 295 southbound to 42. in new jersey a couple spots with construction out there at this early hour causing a bit of restriction but no big problem, matt. >> thank you, karen. the democratic state senator in delaware whose husband was caught stealing her opponent's campaign signs has been reelected. senator bethany hall long eked out a win with 51 percent of the vote. husband dana long is seen in this video taken by the gop with republican signs in his hands. dana long faces misdemeanor theft charges. congressman michael grim of new york won a third term despite what happened in this video. the republican was seen there threatening to throw a tv reporter off a balcony.
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the reporter had asked grim about accusations of tax evasion. grimm is indicted on charges that he hid more than $1 million in sales and wages while running a small restaurant in manhattan. the trial is set to begin in february. >> unless the gop let's congress intervene it will be illegal in adults in d.c. to possess pot. it's still illegal to sell pot in washington, d.c. you can have it but you can't sell it. oregon voters approved recreational use of the drug. in florida a measure that would have allowed marijuana use for medical reasons fell short of the 60 percent that it needd to pass. >> still ahead in the next half hour of "action news" new information on how accused cop killer eric frein evaded capture from police for so long. >> another reason why it's beyoncé world, we just dance in at this time. news" comes back.
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>> federal authorities in mexico captured a politician who was accused of ordering a deadly attack on students. jose abarka a former mayor in southern mexico was detained along with his life. federal place say he and maria pineda ordered local police to do away with the students because they thought the group might disrupt the political speech in september. six students were killed and 43 are still missing. >> beyoncé has managed to rise to the top of a forbes list. the singer is the high of the paid female musician of 2014 with an estimated earnings of $115 million. that's more than double what she raked in last year. the huge sum most of which was from her world tour propelled
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queen bee from fourth place last year and put her firmly at the top ahead of pop star taylor swift. miranda lambert leading the charge for women at tonight's cma awards. she's nominated for nine awards more than any artist. i'm really looking forward to this. the country singing star known for her curves is set to do a duet with megan treanor. no trouble on that stage. abc's own host jimmy kimmel will make a special virtual appearance on the show. that's right here on 6abc at 8:00. our very own alicia vitarelli will bring you live reports later today on "action news." tonight she'll be live on the red carpet to catch all of country's biggest stars. she'll post behind the scenes pictures and more on twitter and facebook. you can get in on the action, too. just tag all your responses with hashtag 6abc cma. >> alicia equal parts country and rock and roll. >> yes.
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>> 4:57. more results from election night including what happened in the garden state which goes against yesterday's national trend. >> police release more pictures of a person of interest in connection with woman right off a philadelp ♪ ♪ discover all the naturally moisturizing flavors of burt's bees lip balm.
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ghirardelli squares chocolate... ♪ a little rendezvous savor our luscious filling combined with our slow melting chocolate. ♪ that little reward for all the things you do. ♪ only from ghirardelli.
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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and with matt o'donnell, tamala >> ♪ >> good morning everyone, it's 5 o'clock on this november 5th and here's what's happening. >> police and the fbi are following several new leads in the brazen abduction of a philadelphia woman. >> a man who had never run for political office before finds himself making history as the first person to defeat an incumbent pennsylvania governor. >> accuweather is tracking another mild day today and you should enjoy it before a lot of rain comes back into the forecast. >> details, details as george costanza once said. here are david and karen. >> on satellite clouds are getting thicker. the last end of this loop does show a little bit of breakup in the clouds along south jersey and delaware so some


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